Flower delivery

We deliver flowers for free when total amount of flowers is min. 1 500,- CZK. Anywhere around Prague 1 – 10 for price 300,- CZK, to Prague 1 and 2 for price 200,- CZK. Minimum cost of bouquet is 500,- CZK. We buy flowers for your order directly on Dutch Flower Auction and that’s why we need to take your order at least one day before delivery (in special cases the same day as delivery). You can send your order either by e-mail at rosmarino@rosmarino.cz or call us on +420 777 112 115. We accept EUR (according to current exchange rate).

You can order the bouquet in our E-SHOP

We’ll make you any bouquet according your wish, we prefer to work with seasonal flowers which guarantee good price and longevity. We can add personal greeting, chocolate box, wine… We will send you a picture of the bouquet before delivery and we will also inform you that the bouquet was received. For some examples of our work please visit Gallery.


We provide complete wedding flowers – from wedding bouquet to decoration of cars and cakes. We would like to meet you in person to help you choose the perfect flowers for you. To us, nothing is impossible and we are able to make everything according to your wishes. On the other hand, if you are not sure about flowers, we can show you our portfolio or you can find inspiration in our catalogue or in magazines – for example in british magazine Wedding Flowers. We can also deliver your flowers to the wedding venue and make final floral arrangements there. You can see some examples in Gallery.

For an idea of prices you can visit our E-SHOP

Flower service

We deliver fresh flowers to receptions, we deliver also plants and we can also make revitalization of present plants. We can provide you many types of plants and flower pots, including self-watering pots Lechuza. We provide regular flower service – weekly, monthly or for example quaterly.